Arny Froese pointed out to us last Sunday that of all Jesus’ parables, The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds (Matthew 13:24-30) is a bit of an anomaly in that it actually can be interpreted allegorically. In fact, Jesus does so himself later on in the passage (vv. 36-43). That said, there’s still a lot to unpack and wrestle with in this parable, so don’t hesitate to head to our sermons page to hear what Arny had to say about it in his sermon. The audio should be uploaded by Friday, so stay tuned. Thanks very much to Arny for his message.
While you’re waiting to hear Arny’s message again, do check out this video recording of “Untitled,” a short play performed on May 12 that was written and directed by Leane Winger and featured various members of our congregation in the cast!