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Why are you here?

This question was part of my Easter Sunday sermon, and I talked about Believing, Behaving, and Belonging as some of the reasons that people give for being part of the church.

One member responded, “I fall in all three categories! After 17 years in Abbotsford, I can truly say that Emmanuel is my home. It’s where I am loved and accepted, where I am encouraged and have opportunity to use my gifts and explore my questions. It’s where I laugh, cry, grieve, celebrate, learn, love. I belong here.” (Read the rest of her response in our April newsletter)

Then this last Sunday, in the church foyer someone else said to me, “I was thinking about your sermon, and you forgot one category. I need to be here. I need to anchor my week.” Another added, “I need to be here–the church is such an encouragement and helps me to pray, and to know what to pray about in the coming week.”

It doesn’t quite alliterate like Believing, Behaving, Belonging, but I love this addition. In an age where the emphasis is more on the individual and being independent, it’s quite a statement to say, “We need the church. We need God.”  Thanks for that testimony.


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