Put this on your calendar!
Hosted by Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Central Committee BC. Join us as we walk from Fort Langley to St. Mary’s Residential School in Mission, doing a segment of this walk each day.
Friday – 5:30pm: Walk 2 km from the United Church in Fort Langley to Kwantlen First Nation. 6pm meal in the Kwantlen longhouse with Indigenous speaker.
Saturday – 9am: walk 19km from Marina Park in Fort Langley to Mt. Lehman (tba: Mt. Lehman Hall or Mt. Lehman United Church). Lunch at the Egg Stop (shuttle pickup at 3pm to vehicles).
Sunday – 12pm walk 5km from North side of Mission Bridge to Fraser River Heritage Park and on to site of St. Mary’s Residential School. 2pm Tour of School with Indigenous Stories and Sharing. 3pm KAIROS Blanket Exercise followed by ReconciliAction session. 6pm Dinner Meal (shuttle pickup after dinner to vehicles).