So many exciting things happening this Sunday at Emmanuel:
First, it’s our annual “E-Waste” Sunday where you can bring all of your old and broken electronics and batteries to the church where we will bring them to recycling for you! Drop off bins will be on the south end of the parking lot near the bus stop and you can drop off your stuff before or after the church service.
Second, to go along with that creation care initiative, and in memory of Stan Olson, EMC’s esteemed creation advocate, we’ll also be hosting a neighbourhood-wide clean-up after the service! Come and join us and our neighbours as we aim to love our neighbourhood in a very practical way. A light lunch will be provided in the gym foyer before we head out.
Finally, at 9:30am there is Sunday School for kids of all ages, while Richard Thiessen from the Mennonite Heritage Museum will be speaking in the Adult Education class. Then during our 10:30am service Angelika Dawson will be speaking on faith & mental illness using the devastating Psalm 88 in her Simon & Garfunkel-referencing sermon, “Hello, Darkness, my old friend.” You won’t want to miss it!
Have a good weekend everybody!