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Library tour this Sunday!

We love our books at Emmanuel Mennonite Church! Our librarians Cyndy Brandt and Lenora Schroeder are always on the ball when it comes to securing copies of the most thoughtful, provoking, and relevant new books coming out today, often getting them only days after their initial release! Here’s just a very small sampling of books I’m particularly excited about our library having on hand:

  • Everything Happens for a Reason: And Other Lies I’ve Loved, by Kate Bowler
  • How the Bible Actually Works: In Which I Explain How An Ancient, Ambiguous, and Diverse Book Leads Us to Wisdom Rather Than Answers—and Why That’s Great News, by Peter Enns
  • Fire by Night: Finding God in the Pages of the Old Testament, by Melissa Florer-Bixler

Learn about more of the amazing resources our church library has to offer THIS SUNDAY when Cyndy and Lenora will be giving the Adult Education class a tour of the library! Make sure to come for that at 9:30am!

We also invite you to join us for worship to follow at 10:30am where Pastor Bob Boehr will be preaching on John 13:31-38 in his sermon entitled “A New Command.” It’s sure to be an enriching Sunday!