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Lots going on this Sunday!

This Sunday we’ve got our final day of Adult Education before summer, so make sure to come out to the banquet room for 9:30am! At 10:30am we’ve got our jam-packed worship service where we’ll highlighting our recent high school graduates, thanking our children’s education volunteers, hearing a meditation on John 1:36-40 by Associate Pastor Chris Lenshyn. It doesn’t stop there either- after the service we’ve got a barbeque in the gym (and out on the lawn if it’s nice!) where we’ll be celebrating the end of the school year with some fun activities and fundraising for some of our kids/youth/young adults going to and/or working at camp!

Finally, just a reminder to let your voice be heard and fill out this survey regarding Emmanuel’s Land Acknowledgement. We want to hear from you about what you think should be said in the acknowledgement and how you think it should be presented! Physical copies of the survey are also available at the Welcome Centre and from the church office.

Hope to see you this Sunday!