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Being the church

Covid-19 is closing mid to large size worship services around the world, including ours. Being the church is more than showing up to a building on a Sunday morning, meeting friends, singing worship to God and listening to a hopefully impactful message. I have been pondering how we can continue to be the church with cancellation of church services this morning (and possibly in the weeks ahead) while still being responsible.

1. Find an alternative worship experience – take a hike, walk or look out the window and consider the beauty of God’s creation. If you cannot leave the city, pray for the neighbourhood and the climate of fear that is gripping those in the city. Actively engage God instead of participating in a larger worship celebration.

2. Find alternative ways of fellowship – social media has given us a way to connect with people while still self-isolating. Consider going through your friends list and private messaging someone you have not spoken to in a long time, or someone you think needs to hear some encouragement, or someone who maybe you have unresolved tension between and simply say “Hi, I was thinking about you this morning.” For those who still remember how to use the phone, maybe a phone call is even better.

3. Find alternative ways of hospitality – are there people you could have over for lunch, coffee or some alternative ways we can care for each other. Are there vulnerable people in your community that should not be going to a busy store for groceries. You could even arrange to leave the food at the door. You don’t even need to go inside. Perhaps they need something done around their abode and a little elbow grease would be helpful.

This is a very quick list. Other suggestions are welcome below. Let us find ways to be the church even when we cannot attend a church.

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