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EMC response to COVID-19

The current COVID-19 pandemic has required many of our normal day-to-day activities and ways of being to be adjusted or even dropped altogether in order to combat the spread of the virus and look out for the health and safety of all those around us. What follows is a comprehensive update on the various ways our church and its functions have adapted and will continue to do so:


  1. Our Sunday education hours and worship services for March 22 and March 29 have been cancelled. The status of future services, including our upcoming Easter services, will be evaluated two weeks ahead of time, on a weekly basis (i.e. the status of the service for April 5 will be evaluated early next week), according to the latest recommendations and updates from local and global health/government authorities.
  2. The memorial services for Dick Krause and Louise Dueckman, respectively, have each been postponed to future dates yet to be decided.
  3. Seniors Fellowship for this coming Sunday has been cancelled.
  4. Westgate Mennonite Collegiate Choir has cancelled their tour and visit to our congregation that was scheduled for April 19. Billets are thus no longer needed for the students, but thanks to those who already signed up for their willingness and hospitality. The status of Canadian Mennonite University Choir’s joining us in worship on May 3 has not been changed as of now.
  5. Mini D’s and Youth meetings have been cancelled until further notice, as well as the upcoming IMPACT retreat at Camp Squeah.
  6. Women’s Fellowship Group and Women’s Fellowship Blanket-Making have been cancelled until further notice.
  7. Regarding other connection groups: The current government mandate forbids meetings of 50 people or more. If your connection group has less than 50 people it is up to each group’s discretion whether to continue meeting or not (whether that be at the church or in a home), but the church strongly encourages you to meet responsibly, i.e. avoid situations and spaces where close proximity to others is inevitable, and stay home if you are feeling unwell. If your group is unable to meet according to these conditions, the church strongly encourages you to consider postponing/cancelling your meeting(s).


  1. It can be discouraging reading all of the cancellations and postponements of church functions and meetings, but rest assured we are still the church! See our latest blog post for a short blurb from Pastor Bob (originally posted on our Facebook page) in which he brainstorms ways to “be the church even when we cannot attend a church.” We are still in the midst of brainstorming ways to stay connected to each other, to worship God together, and to be a support to each other and our community even when our physical interactions are limited but below are some of the things we’ve established and are planning on doing so that we can continue “being a church” for everybody.
  2. The church office will remain open during its usual hours: Tuesday-Friday, 8:30-5. Please do not hesitate to call (604-854-3654) or email ( if you are in need of any of the following: 1) Pastoral or deacon visits/assistance/prayer; 2) Groceries or help around the house; 3) Any other needs you might have during this time of uncertainty and instability. There are many people from our church willing to serve our members in various capacities. I will be ready and available in the church office as a point person to connect you with people who can help you but you are also welcome to contact pastoral staff/deacons/other members directly according to the contact information you might already have in the church directory (contact the office if you need updated information).
  3. In lieu of services for the next two Sundays, we will post video recordings and written transcripts of the sermon on our website for people to watch/read and we will encourage people to interact with the content and with each other with words of encouragement both on our website and social media platforms. An email will be sent out on Friday with a link to the sermon.
  4. Stay in touch with us online at, on Facebook at or on Instagram @e_mennoc. Also feel free to email or call the office, or stop by in person—as long as you are feeling well and safe enough to do so.

If you know of anyone in our congregation who does not have access to the internet or a computer, please share this message via alternative means if possible and if safe, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to the office to discuss the best options for doing so. Let’s figure this out together—let’s be the church even when we can’t attend the church.

I think that’s it, everybody. Updates or changes to any of the above information will be given as they come in! Stay gracious, stay safe, stay prayerful, stay in touch (but not literally!), and don’t forget to wash your hands!