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March 20, 2020: An update from Pastor Bob Boehr

Other announcements/updates:

  1. Stay tuned for a video recording of Gareth Brandt’s sermon that was supposed to be preached last Sunday! The video of his sermon will be on our website on Sunday morning at 10:30AM. A link will be emailed out (along with the written text of the sermon) and put on our Facebook and Instagram feeds as well.
  2. Click HERE to watch a video introducing us to “The Story: Chapter 23 – Jesus’ Ministry Begins,” in preparation for Gareth’s virtual sermon on Sunday! The video was originally made for youth audiences but it is a helpful and engaging overview of the chapter for all ages.
  3. Click HERE to check our church calendar to stay updated on what events have been cancelled and what events are still happening in the next few weeks.
  4. You may notice our website looks a little different than it used to. This is not our new website that had previously been announced (this is still in progress!) but simply a new “look” that fixed some bugs we were experiencing.
  5. Wondering how you can still donate to the church when you’re not able to attend services? There are a few options! First, if you have online banking set up with your bank account, you can e-transfer a donation to You can also donate online with a credit card or PayPal account on our website here. If you prefer to pay by cheque, you could mail it to us or contact the office to arrange pick-up!
  6. Please do not hesitate to contact the church office if you have any trouble accessing any of these things or have any questions or requests for how we as a church community can better meet your needs for connection and support during this time.

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