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“Waiting for Judgment: Surprise!” – Message for March 22, 2020

Gareth Brandt – “Waiting for Judgment: Surprise!”
Scripture text: Matthew 11:2-6

Comment below with your thoughts on the message and/or any encouraging words for our community during this time!

16 thoughts on ““Waiting for Judgment: Surprise!” – Message for March 22, 2020

  1. Hi, both of the video links didn’t work for me, but when I jumped to Youtube before the video finished trying to play, the videos would work, on Youtube. I imagine others may also have a similar problem getting the videos to work. Or, is it just me?

    1. hey gerald! i’m thinking (hoping) it might just be you! i tried it out on a totally different browser and it worked just fine for me without jumping to youtube. :/ i guess i’ll wait and see if i get any other comments!

  2. Thanks Gareth for your meditation. I so much appreciated the focus on a Jesus who comes to make things right in ways that do, and will surprise us. Ways that show us the good news of God.

  3. Allen Harder says:

    Thank you Gareth for a message fit for the times we are in. We are tempted to make the Covid-19 pandemic into the end-all-be-all of our lives, but it is not the big picture–that’s God’s domain, and we are in it. We have that assurance. I also appreciate your reflections on John the Baptist’s relationship to Jesus. John’s expectations of and declarations of judgement come to an end with his execution, making room for Jesus’ upside down kingdom to be declared in full.

  4. Sue/Susan Kehler says:

    Thank you, THANK YOU for your sermon Gareth; it answers some of my questions & doubts as to how God works –EG- Why did God allow the Israelites to enter the Promised Land by asking that they kill all those various -“ites” ‘ like Ammalekites, etc and you share that there are two kinds of God’s wrath –punishing & restorative; I’ll leave it to God to choose the right one.
    I also really APPRECIATED the various theories you gave re John the B. may have entertained when in prison (I’ve had similar thoughts re some of the theories you presented); John too felt Jesus should “PROVE” to the world that He had might, but surprise!! Jesus says, “Look at the lame walking, the blind seeing, etc”–Jesus power of kindness , compassion & love come through!
    Thanks again for this powerful & encouraging sermon for “such a time as this”. Sue Kehler

  5. We just had trouble with video and audio syncing but Gareth’s message was fantastic as usual – loved the “ants in the pants” description of doubt. I’m wondering if the church is still doing audio recordings and burning CDs – my mom doesn’t have any computer/video capability so she would really appreciate having CDs. If they’re left in her mailbox, I can pick them up and deliver them to her.

  6. A tmely pertinent sermon! Fear not! May many or all of church members be benefitted from this m
    edia and comforted by his message!

  7. Fran Hofenk says:

    Thanks Gareth for sharing your thoughts and God’s Words. Hope and Reconciliation such important actions at this time during these circumstances. Fran

  8. Ed & Louise Janzen says:

    Thanks, Gareth, and the others who were involved in finding a way to help us keep being a community when our patterns are disrupted.

  9. Ingrid Schultz says:

    Thank you Gareth for your invitation, in these unsettling times, to hear again the familiar gospel words “fear not!”

  10. Amy Rinner Waddell says:

    Belated thanks also, Gareth, for your (as usual) well-thought-out message. Always appreciate your fresh perspective!

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