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EMC Update: March 25, 2020

Hey everybody,

Here are a few more mid-week announcements/updates for you. Please help pass this on if you can to those in our community who do not have access to email!

  1. In the interests of health and safety, our church council has decided to officially close our building to the public and suspend our regular church office hours. All staff will still be checking emails and phone messages made to the church at home, however, so please don’t hesitate to email or call any of us if you need anything or have any questions. Please also feel free to call the church and if there is no answer, leave a voicemail and we will be able to listen to it at home and get back to you. 
  2. If you absolutely NEED to get into the church building, please contact Joel ahead of time to work something out and let him know. It is essential that we know who is in the building, when and where, to ensure adequate cleaning and sanitization of the building. Please stay home if at all possible!
  3. We were delighted to see the enthusiastic response to the video sermon put online on Sunday. Another sermon will be online to watch and listen to this Sunday! Please continue to let us know if there are ways that we might better foster connection and worship amongst all members of our community during this time of required social distancing and isolation.
  4. Click the play button above to watch another mid-week video update from Pastor Bob Boehr!

2 thoughts on “EMC Update: March 25, 2020

  1. maryderksen says:

    1. Thanks for your efforts, Bob. How about starting out with a happy face?
    2. Background. How about in front of the cross in the worship room? Will feel more like we are in church.
    3. Give us some songs to sing.

    1. Hi Mary, thanks for your feedback. This was more a “mid-week update” video instead of a Sunday worship video but we are looking into possibly providing some music to go along with future Sunday sermons. And he was speaking from home since our office is now mostly closed 🙂

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