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A few announcements for March 27, 2020

Mennonite World Conference Renewal 2027 was scheduled to visit BC ​this weekend until the spread of COVID-19 forced them to cancel. They have sent out a video from their General Secretary, César Garcia, in which he gives a greeting to the churches in BC in lieu of their cancelled visit. You can watch the video ​below​. The MWC 2019 Year in Review video can be watched ​HERE​.


On behalf of Emmanuel, Marlene Friesen recently reached out ​to Daniel and Joji Pantoja, Mennonite Witness workers in the Philippines, to let them know of our recent decision as a congregation to support their ministry. They responded back with a letter to the congregation:

Dear Marlene and Emmanuel Mennonite Church:

Your email brought good news of love, joy, and peace in the midst of​ ​the challenges we’re facingduring these times of global public health crisis. We praise God for your partnership. Thank you very much.

We thank God for the way you define yourselves as a church community: “An Anabaptist community with a global perspective.” It resonates with how we look at each local congregation of the Body of Christ. We love how you describe your committee: “Missions, Peace and Justice Committee.” It’s so integrated. We sense spiritual, theological, and social-ethical connections between us.

Thank you for your appreciation of the work of​ ​PeaceBuilders Community. Thank you for your interest in what​ ​Coffee for Peaceis doing. We normally send out a monthly newsletter to our friends and partners to share the stories on the ground on what God has been doing through the people we work with among the Indigenous Peoples and among certain communities belonging to the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. Here are the​ ​January and​ ​Februaryissues for 2020. The March issue is coming soon.

Again, thank you very much for your partnership. Sincerely, Daniel & Joji Pantoja


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