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3 thoughts on “Easter Weekend Update + Maundy Thursday Prayer – April 9, 2020

  1. maryderksen says:

    Thank you Bob, for your prayer. And thank you Laura for your meditation the other day. It’s always good to see church family on my computer.
    Today we had communion here at Menno. They supplied us with tiny cups of juice with a tiny cracker enclosed on top. The service was on TV, but my TV has quit on me, so I was allowed to participate on the large TV in the viewing room. I look forward to our church communion Friday evening. Blessings and thanks to all of you who are making this possible.

  2. maryderksen says:

    Thank you for your prayer, Pastor Bob. And thank you Laura for your meditation a few days ago. Thanks to all of you who are making the isolation a little more bearable. Blessings.

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