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Video Service: April 12, 2020 – Easter Sunday

Worship Leader: Barbara Nickel
Music: Led by James Dueckman (guitar); Point Grey Inter-Mennonite Fellowship (hymns)
Puppet Show: “Jesus is Risen!” by the Cheny family
Special Music: William Voth
Sermon: “He is Risen!” by Pastor Bob Boehr
Flowers on the Cross: Vanj & Ernie Thiessen
Tulips donated by Samrab Friesen

6 thoughts on “Video Service: April 12, 2020 – Easter Sunday

  1. A wonderful service. thank you everyone that participated!! Christ is risen indeed!!!
    PS loved the two men who appeared in dazzling clothes at the empty tomb!!

  2. Ingrid Schultz says:

    He is risen indeed! What a beautiful Easter Service! Thank you for all the work put into it by everyone who had a part. I loved the sunrise setting on Vedder Mountain and the opening words of worship with the rock behind you! Everything added to the Easter praise: children, puppets’ the trillium, the tulips and the cat behind James on the sofa! And all your good words culminated in our singing “Up from the grave”! I thought of you all singing along as I sang out at the top of my voice. So thankful that we can play this service for our elders at Menno Place tomorrow evening at 6:30 pm. Thanks to Joel for making that possible! I’m heading out now to look for more signs of resurrection by Fish Trap Creek! Keeping proper physical distance of course! A blessed Easter to all!

  3. Sonya McNeil says:

    Thank you to everyone who put together this beautiful, inspiring Easter service. From the call to worship on Vedder mountain, to the wonderful guitar songs, to the fabulous Cheny puppet show, to the beautiful tulip covered cross, to the inspiring sermon – our family has been deeply blessed this Easter Sunday. Thank to everyone who worked so hard on this fabulous project. He is risen indeed. – From Sonya, Karl, Anna, Neven and Anna McNeil

  4. Rudy Kasdorf says:

    Thank you so very much to all who contributed to Emmanuel’s Easter service. It was very meaning-full to hear from our own church. May God continue to bless Emmanuel church. And we want to express our thanks and blessings to all the contributors to this service.
    Everything was done with expertise.
    Much appreciated,
    Rudy and Laura Kasdorf

  5. Peter Bartel says:

    We were part of the congregation and really appreciated all the people that took time to be part of this. The puppet show was neat, the flowers at the end, the music and the setting for the intro. Thanks, BOb, for the reminder that even though things should not have been that way, in God’s wisdom they happened just as they should for our sake. Blessings on all of you. Peter & Alma

  6. Lenora Schroeder says:

    Wonderful service! Thank you to everyone who made this Easter so special. Loved it!
    Blessings, Lenora Schroeder

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