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Video Service: April 19, 2020

Worship Leader: Ed Janzen
Scripture: Luke 24:13-35
Message: By Charlotte Siemens
Music Recordings: Provided by Point Grey Inter-Mennonite Fellowship

Jesus, stand among us (Hymnal #25)
O pow’r of love (Hymnal #593)
Love divine, all excelling (Hymnal #592)

2 thoughts on “Video Service: April 19, 2020

  1. Rudy Kasdorf says:

    Thank you to all who participated in make I this video. We really appreciate our own church having a message, it more like being connected. Yes we also watch some great messages on TV, but Emmanuel being our home church it is more dear to us. All you who are creating this video are doing a great job. We enjoy the singing from Point Grey church.
    Thank you. May God bless.
    Rudy and Laura

  2. Thank you all who took part in the service today.
    Thanks for leading us, Ed Janzen.
    I was especially happy that the children had a story. Our children are our future.
    Singing along was also such a blessing.
    And Char, thank you for “standing in the gap” today.
    May we walk with Jesus as we cross the threshold of this lonely and challenging “gap” that is affecting the whole world.
    Although our church buildings are empty, God’s church is very much alive.
    I can hardly wait to see you all!
    Mary Derksen

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