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Video Service: April 26, 2020 (Creation Care Sunday)

Worship Leader: Maria Wiens
Scripture: Hosea 2:18-23
Sharing/Message: David Dueckman, Al Friesen
Song Recordings: Emmanuel Mennonite Church, Point Grey Inter-Mennonite Fellowship

Click HERE to access a Creation Care Bible Study guide put together by Gareth Brandt to use at home!

3 thoughts on “Video Service: April 26, 2020 (Creation Care Sunday)

  1. Very much appreciated the history of A Rocha, how, being a Biology Major, you, David enjoyed with purpose, working at A Rocha ((near White Rock) and ending with connecting theology with eating at long tables –building community as Jesus so often did. And Al, a deep thank you for your “many-background” presentations (a lot of effort!); & learned anew how the earth is our gift from God; we show appreciation for gifts and reciprocate by giving back –so we at EMC grow gardens for the many cultures in EMC including the Indigenous People, hoping the veggies grown can be gifts for many! Then concluding with such suitable Scripture from Hosea. Amazing how you could “weave together” such a variety of topics.
    And Maria, I appreciated that well-chosen cl;losing.
    Thanks to all of you; I have worshipped

  2. maryderksen says:

    Thank you, our team at Emmanuel Mennonite Church, for all the prayers and planning that goes into our Sunday worship hour.
    Worship in song is one of the most powerful parts of our Sunday hour for me. I missed not being able to sing along with one of the songs for lack of words. (perhaps a copyright problem) All your voices came through clearly. God has given Emmanuel Mennonite Church so many talented folks. It is good to be reminded that God has given us a charge to be “fruitful and increase…I give you every seed-bearing plant…for food…” Genesis 1:29 Thank you Maria, David and Al.

  3. Sonya McNeil says:

    Wonderful service! Thank you to Maria for the beautiful worship leading, to David for his inspiring reflections, to Al for his wonderful, deep reflections on Creation. Thank you to everyone for putting this together!

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