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Video Service: May 3, 2020

Worship Leader: Leann Goertzen-Loeppky
Children’s Feature: Leann Goertzen-Loeppky, Sam Goertzen-Loeppky
Scripture: Romans 6:4-11; 2 Corinthians 5:17
Message: “Walking in the Resurrection,” by Gareth Brandt
Music recordings provided by Douglas Mennonite Church, Canadian Mennonite University, Bryan Moyer Suderman, Emmanuel Mennonite Church

1 thought on “Video Service: May 3, 2020

  1. Ingrid Schultz says:

    Thank you for this beautiful service! I loved the songs including the birdsong. Great that both Leann and Gareth chose to be outdoors to help us reflect on walking the resurrection. So many signs of new life all around you. Sam you looked cool in those sunglasses. I know our elders at Menno Place will enjoy watching this service on Monday evening I’m the Menno TV.

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