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Video Service: May 31, 2020

Worship Leader: Marlene Friesen
Children’s Feature: Al Friesen
Message and Communion: Pastor Bob Boehr
Music recordings provided by Emmanuel Mennonite Church

“Reign in Us”
Ben Glover, Jon Neufeld, and Tim Neufeld,
© 2008 Birdwing Music, Fieldstar Music, Screaming Norman Music,
CCLI License # 664696

“Sing a new world into being”
Mary Louise Bringle,
©2006 G.I.A. Publications, #A-719467

1 thought on “Video Service: May 31, 2020

  1. maryderksen says:

    Thank you Marlene. Love your garden setting!
    And thanks for helping keep our church going. I miss it so much, and hope we can
    open soon. Even then, Menno homes are very strict, so we will probably be isolated
    longer than most. Mary Derksen

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