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Mid-Week Message: June 3, 2020

The news and social media have been afire this last while with responses to the tragic murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota and the ugly racism and abuse of power that lay beneath it–which are only the tip of the iceberg of injustice and systemic racism towards people of colour and indigenous people that has been present all throughout society for a long time. We hope you can join Mennonite Church British Columbia, the wider Mennonite Church Canada, and our sister churches in Mennonite Church USA in “lament[ing] the injustice and violence suffered by people of colour in the U.S.” and also in the wider call “for the church to boldly stand against racism that rips apart the social fabric of both of our countries.”

Read MCBC’s full Nationwide Call to Prayer HERE, which also includes many helpful practical and poetic resources and responses to these current events and the important issues that lay beneath them. Also click play below for a mid-week message and prayer in humble response to it all from our Pastor Bob Boehr.

2 thoughts on “Mid-Week Message: June 3, 2020

  1. Thanks for your personal and authentic words of response to what is going on in our world. I appreciate the simple three-fold things we can do: communion with God, feelings of compassion, leading to small acts of kindness.

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