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Resources for reconciliation

Thanks to everyone who took time to participate in the Walk for Reconciliation this May 29-31.  Although the walk was not a “group” event this year, it was well attended and to see that sort of support was fabulous. In this past week when we have seen again the power and privilege that people have, based on their skin colour, it is crucial that we as a church speak towards justice and work together with others in ways that promote peace and equality for all of God’s people. While issues vary from nation to nation, we need to continue to educate ourselves and learn about the injustices that need to be righted. In that light we invite you to check out the following links originally shared with the wider community from the hosts of the Reconciliation Walk (Reconciling Church, Mennonite Central Committee, and the United Churches of Langley).  Some of them are educational and others more of cultural interest.  
EMC Missions, Peace, and Justice Committee

St. Anne’s Residential School: One survivor’s story –…/st-anne-s-residential-school-one-survi…

Residential School Survivors Speak in Port Alberni – 

Timeline History of Aboriginal Peoples in British Columbia –

5 Shameful Truths we now know about Canada’s Residential School History –…/

How the Salmon came to the Fraser River –

If the Earth could speak: A cedar tree –…/earth-speak-cedar-tree-20032913…

Powwow song and dance –

Video of Carving class “Be In the Moment” –

New documents may shed light on residential school deaths –…/new-documents-may-shed-light-on-reside…

‘Reconciliation tour’ reveals dark history of Mission, B.C. school –…/reconciliation-tour-reveals-dark-histo…

St.Joseph’s Residential School Stories – Orange Shirt Day –…

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action-

B.C. First Nation adopts historic law to protect Fraser River –…/b-c-first-nation-adopts-histo…/…

Sto:lo singers at Elder’s gathering –

Peace, Friendship and Respect –

What these kids are doing to keep Indigenous languages alive –…/what-these-kids-are-doing-to-keep-indi…

Matsqui Song –…

Interpreting the UN Declaration –…/Interpreting-the-Declaration-Jun…

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