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Video Service: June 28, 2020

Music/Worship Leader: Angelika Dawson
Call to Worship: Gerhard & Maria Wiens
Children’s Feature: 2019 Squeah Retreat video by Isaac Boynton
Scripture: Psalm 91
Scripture Readers: Bernie & Dolores Martens
Heart Song Sharing: McCrimmon family, Michaela Neufeld, Arny & Erna Froese
Place of Refuge
How great thou art
No Longer Slaves
Freely, Freely
Wehrlos und Verlassen

Place of Refuge
©1986 Angelika Dawson

How great thou art
Stuart Wesley Keene Hine
© Copyright 1953 Stuart Hine Trust
CCLI license #664696

No Longer Slaves
Brian Johnson | Joel Case | Jonathan David Helser
© 2014 Bethel Music Publishing
CCLI License # 664696

Freely, Freely
Carol Owens
© 1972 Bud John Songs, Inc.
CCLI License # 664696

Wehrlos und Verlassen
Carl Rohl
©2004 Jean Wiebe Janzen tr.

4 thoughts on “Video Service: June 28, 2020

  1. Thanks to all those who led us, shared heart songs, made videos, and worked behind the scenes. “Heart Songs” was a brilliant idea in the first place and so appropriate for this virtual Squeah retreat.

  2. John Krause says:

    Angelica, we were all waiting for you to sing the last verse of the last song in German! I heard some very good comments about the service today.

  3. Gerald Neufeld says:

    Michaela, It was great to see you sharing about “No longer slaves!” Your experience and the connection with the song was a powerful message. Thank-you!

  4. Marion Kloseck says:

    Im seeing this October 2021. A very good friend is going overseas tomorrow, and im at quite a loss. Hearing these songs and remembering my time at squeah, has brought me some comfort. Thanks Angelika.

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