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Friday Check-in: July 3, 2020

A very special Friday check-in featuring all of our seniors at Menno Home and Menno Hospital! Thanks to Ingrid Schultz for taking all of the videos and pictures.

4 thoughts on “Friday Check-in: July 3, 2020

  1. maria Matty says:

    Thank you to all my brothers and sisters at Menno Home, Place and Primrose Garden for touching base with us via this format. it was a blessing!

  2. maryderksen says:

    Thank you, Ingrid, for putting this together. It must have kept you busy for hours, maybe days. I’m sure we all enjoyed this extra contact with our Emmanuel friends.

  3. Thank you so much Ingrid for this big undertaking. You chased us all down! Was it worth it? Only response will tell, but you made us all feel important and happy. Only one negative comment – no names, and I don’t know several of the first ones in the line up. Blessings.

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