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Video Service: July 5, 2020

Worship Leader: David Leis
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 1:1-11; Luke 4:18-22
Message: “Follow Me,” by Pastor Bob Boehr
Special Music: Emma Nickel, “Sonata in A Minor,” by Jean-Baptiste Loeillet
Slide Backgrounds: John Gunther
Music arranged by Gerald Neufeld

God of the Bible (Sing the Story #27)
Shirley Erena Murray
©​​​​​​​1996 Hope Publishing Company
Reprinted with permission under One License # A-719467
All rights reserved.

Lord, you have come to the lakeshore (Hymnal #229)
Cesareo Gabarain
​​​​​​​1979 Cesareo Gabarain, Dios con Nosotros
tr. Gertrude C. Suppe, George Lockwood, and Raquel Gutiérrez-Achon
Translation copyright ©​​​​​​​1989 The United Methodist Publishing House
Reprinted with permission under One License # A-719467
All rights reserved.

Will you come and follow me (Sing the Story #39)
John L. Bell
©1987, GIA/Iona Community/WGRG
 Reprinted with permission under One License # A-719467
All rights reserved.

2 thoughts on “Video Service: July 5, 2020

  1. maryderksen says:

    Thank you, Emmanuel for the very worshipful and meaningful service this morning, Sunday July the 5th. David Leis, what an awesome introduction and mini message. I really thought that could be our challenge for today.
    Then came the songs – and while singing Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore, I had to stop and quickly find some tissues.
    Bob, you took us through our emotions during this covid 19 – and yes, the Lord has shown us different ways of following Jesus.
    For me, it has opened the way to send the call to my unsaved friends in Japan, who followed an invitation to the Japanese service that Gerald Neufeld leads on Sunday afternoons. Imagine my shock to see an unsaved friend show up (yes, we are all on zoom pictures) because my friend in Ontario invited her. That opened up new possibilities we would not have otherwise. Today I will invite another friend in Japan with whom I still have contact.
    Emmanuel family, do you realize that here is an unprecedented opportunity to invite your non-Christian or lukewarm family members or friends to church? They con’t have to go to church, they can be “in church” without any eyes on them; and to reach out to family and friends around the world. I am quite excited about the challenges God is allowing us in this Covid-19 context!
    Thanks Gerald, for arranging the music. Such a blessing.
    Keep the blessings and challenges flowing, Emmanuel, as you follow Jesus!
    Mary Derksen

  2. Ingrid Schultz says:

    Like Mary I found this service inspiring. Thank you David, Bob, Emma and Gerald! Lord, you have come to the Lakeshore is one of my favourite songs. I’m looking forward to hearing from the Witness workers, Tim Kuepfer and the others. Peace, ingrid

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