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Video Service: November 8, 2020

Theme: Purpose Guided Church: Ministry Lived Out / Celebrating 100 Years of
Mennonite Central Committee
Worship Leader: Pastor Bob Boehr
Scripture: Matthew 25:35-40
Sharing: Jane Andres, Peter Andres, Alma Bauman Bartel, Peter Bartel, Angelika
Dawson, John Dawson, Tina Harder, Ed Janzen, Louise Janzen, Laura Loewen,
Bernie Martens, Dolores Martens, Eleanor Neufeld, Waldimar Neufeld, Jon
Nofziger, Helen Reimer, Irene Reimer, Ruth Sawatzky, Ingrid Schultz, Charlotte
Siemens, Dan Zehr
Slide Backgrounds: John Gunther
Music Leader: Gerald Neufeld

Come, let us all unite to sing (Hymnal #12)
Anonymous, attributed to Howard Kingsbury
©1876 Public

God, whose giving (Hymnal #383)
Robert L. Edwards
©1989 The Hymn Society
CCLI License # 664696

The Servant King
Graham Kendrick
© 1983 Thankyou Music
CCLI License # 664696

“Perspectives” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

1 thought on “Video Service: November 8, 2020

  1. What a rich feast this worship service has been. Thank you, all MCC workers through the years, those whose testimonies we heard, and the many others who have served, some in very difficult situations, where missionaries were not allowed to enter, but MCC workers were welcomed. God’s love shone through your testimonies and through your work with MCC.
    God’s name has been honored and as we heard, people have opened their hearts to Jesus because of MCC workers. Praise the Lord!

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