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Video Service: November 22, 2020

Theme: Purpose Guided Church: Discipleship Lived Out
Music Leader: Angelika Dawson
Worship Leader: Pastor Bob Boehr
Sharing: Noel Dueckman, Jeff Nickel, Vanj Thiessen
Song Backgrounds: John Gunther

Take my life  (Hymnal #389)
Frances R. Havergal
©1874 Public

Jesus Christ is Waiting  (Sing the Journey  #30)
John L. Bell and Graham Moule
©1995 WGRG, c/o Iona Community, GIA Publications, Inc., agent #A-719467

Brian Doerksen | Sandra Gage
© 2003 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music 
CCLI License # 664696

2 thoughts on “Video Service: November 22, 2020

  1. Sue/Susan Kehler says:

    A “Quickie” –Thanks to all of you; Bob for your review of the five overlapping purposes of the church with that Augsburger’s quote & “Come & See”. Then you three “sharing members–thanks for your MANY years of serving the church –& when you Vange finished with quoting, ..”…and hear the angels sing,”…I closed my eyes and heard angels singing, “Today….” by you Angelika & Irene.
    Again, a sincere thank you

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