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Video Service: November 29, 2020

Opening Image: Dona Park
Opening Special Music & Slideshow: We Come – Savannah Davis, with Advent slideshow by Gerald Neufeld and Christmas Rose photo by Bevan Voth
Congregational Song: Come, Light of the World (Sing the Story, #3), led by Jeff Nickel
Advent Candle Lighting & Reading: Brigitte & Lorelei Song-Daniels
Introduction & Welcome: Barb Nickel
Call to Worship, Prayer & Time of Silence
“We are Walking in the Light of God,” by Teo, Rehema, Naomi, Alayne, and John Cheny
Children’s Feature: Packing the Trunk for Christmas – Barb Nickel & Nicholas Voth
Journey to Palestine & Prayer, Offertory
“O Come, O Come Emmanuel” (Alternative lyrics plus vs. 5 of Hymnal #172) – led by Nicholas Voth, violin
Scripture Reading: Mark 13: 24-37 – Sue Kehler
Monologue: The Day and Hour Unknown – Nate Nickel
Sung Response: Oh How Shall I Receive Thee? (Hymnal #182), with lyric background photos by John Gunther
Devotional: On the Road in 2020 – Pastor Bob Boehr
Communion – Led by Staff Team
Congregational Song: Let us Break Bread Together (Hymnal #453), led by Jeff Nickel

We come
Words and music by Jim Croegoert

Come, light of the world  (Sing the Story #3)
Words: traditional
(Music  ©2002 Randall Spaulding)

O come, O come, Immanuel  (Hymnal #172 with modified text)
Alternative words by Rev. Dr. Barbara Lundblad
©Public Domain

Oh, how shall I receive thee  (Hymnal #182)
Paul Gerhardt
©Public Domain

Let us break bread together  (Hymnal #453)
African-American spiritual
©Public Domain

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