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Video Service: December 6, 2020

Opening Image: Dona Park
“We Come” Opening Slideshow: Peter Bergen
Opening and Call to Worship: Angelika Dawson
Lighting of the Advent Candles: Maria Wiens

Song: Comfort, comfort, O my people (Hymnal #176), led by John, Alayne,
and Naomi Cheny; Shim Beack; Caroline Simpson
Children’s Feature: Jen Wallace
Prayers of the People

Song: Come, thou long-expected Jesus (Hymnal #178)
Scripture: Mark 1:1-8, read by Nick Penner
Monologue: “John the Baptist,” performed by Adriel Brandt
Reflection and Prayer of Confession
Song: Create in me a clean heart

We come
Words and music by Jim Croegoert
(Kim Thiessen recording used by permission)

Comfort, Comfort O My People  (Hymnal #176)
Words based on Isaiah 40
© Public Domain

Come, thou long expected Jesus  (Hymnal #178)
Charles Wesley 1744
© Public Domain

Create in me a clean heart
Brown Bannister
© 1982 Bases Loaded Music
CCLI License # 664696

1 thought on “Video Service: December 6, 2020

  1. Thank you worship team, for your evident joy in serving, and for leading us in worship.
    May the Lord bless you abundantly, and also all who have listened or will still listen to
    this Dec. 6 worship time.

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