Welcome and Call to Worship: Charlotte Siemens
Congregational Singing: Come Through the Gate, led by Angelika Dawson, Irene Dueckman, James Dueckman
Candle Lighting: Ken & Ruth Ha and family
Congregational Singing: Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming (Hymnal #211)
Children’s Feature: Janice, Michael, Keoni, Carter, and Callahan Redekop
Scripture Reading: Casey & Lara Sas
Congregational Singing: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlefolk
Monologue: “Jesus Presented in the Temple” based on Luke 2:22-40, read by Angelika Dawson
Closing Reflection
Closing Song: Let our gladness have no end (Hymnal #198)
Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming (Hymnal #211)
Author Anonymous
Public Domain
God rest ye merry gentlefolk
Public Domain
Verse 1 traditional
Verse 2 Angelika Dawson
Verse 3 by Jubilate Hymns Ltd.
Onelicense.net #A-719467
Let our gladness have no end
Public Domain
Thank you, Emmanuel team, for the blessings of this service. A suggestion. This is a large church, and if you want us all to participate in the singing, the first song should be one we all know. The opening song is so important, and we get into the worship mood as we are able to participate. Choose a new song to begin with, and we just sit and listen. Not inspiring! Otherwise the service was a blessing. Loved the kids’ feature, Redekop family!
Hopefully we will soon be able to see each other during worship! Feel the warm handshakes and hugs. Sorry, I forgot. I don’t shake hands. (not part of Japanese culture!) But I do miss not being able to be together. Blessings.